Author: admin

  • Drush bash commands

    Drush is a command line to manage Drupal. These are some usage example. # create a list of enabled modules drush sm –pipe –status=enabled # create txt file which contains a list of enabled modules drush sm –pipe –status=enabled | cat > modules_enabled.txt # — SVN —- # Remove all .svn folders in a directory…

  • What is the shell you are currently in ?

    Simple command to find out what shell you are using. ps -ef | grep $$ | awk ‘{print $8}’  

  • Simple way to get stats from Apache

    This way you can get stats from your logs but this method is a little bit rudimentary as you are going to get visits from crawlers, bots,… that are not real visits. Parse your logs directly with awk. #!/bin/sh echo ‘Number of unique visitors’ cat /var/log/apache/ |awk ‘{print $1}’ | sort | uniq | wc…

  • Find: UNIX regexp search down a directory tree

    How to make a regexp search with find recursively . If you want to search only in php files, replace file_pattern with “*.php” find . -iname -exec grep -n {} \; -print

  • List Files in RPM Installed Package

    If you want to know what files a rpm package copied to your system, you can find it out executing the following command: rpm -ql foo  

  • Change ownership of folder and subfolders

    How to change the owner/group of a file or directory recursively. sudo chown -R newusername foldername To change the group: sudo chgrp -R newgroupname foldername

  • Getting size of a directory using du

    Get the size of the current directory (.) or another one (foldername) with du command. du -sh . du -sh foldername

  • Find and delete

    Find files and directories containning your search terms, and delete them witout confirmation and recursively. No matter if they are not empty. find . -name “search_terms” -exec rm -rf {} \;

  • Snippet to remove caps and spaces from filename

    Remove caps and spaces from names in files in current directory with tr command. First step is parse the name of the file or directory and then rename it. for f in *; do file=$(echo $f | tr A-Z a-z | tr ‘ ‘ _) [ ! -f $file ] && mv “$f” $file done

  • Download a Web Site with wget

    Wget is a tool to download websites from cli. How to download an entire site could be acomplished with the following example: wget \ –recursive \ –no-clobber \ –page-requisites \ –html-extension \ –convert-links \ –restrict-file-names=windows \ –domains \ –no-parent \